It’s Wednesday so that means it’s time for another “Where in the world am I?” photo challenge! Like in weeks past, I’ll give no clues up front, but will periodically tweet and post clues on my Facebook and Google+ pages to help you out. So, if you don’t already follow me on Twitter, click here. Do you know where I took this picture?
- Leave your guess here, only on my blog (not on Facebook or Twitter) by Friday, February 24th at noon (PDT).
- I’ll be giving out hints via Twitter & Facebook throughout the day on Wednesday and Thursday.
- One guess per hint (i.e.: with each hint, you can leave a new guess.)
- One winner will randomly be selected from those who answer correctly and will be featured on my Facebook Fan Page, Twitter and Google+ Page with his/her name, blog (if applicable), Twitter and Facebook page, as well as a brief bio.
- Anyone can participate!
Please note: Moderation is turned on for this contest and all comments will need to be approved before they are posted. No need to resubmit your comment. This way, no one will steal your answer!
Here are the clues I’ve given so far:
Clue #1: This place’s name means “grove” in the local language.Clue #2: An earthquake in 1667 killed 20% of the city’s inhabitants.
Clue #3: The city’s current name was only adopted in 1918. |
The answer and winner of this week’s contest:
At first I thought I’d stumped everyone, but after the second clue a whole slew of commenters (nine to be exact) guessed the correct answer! However, after randomly selecting a winner, congratulations are due to Katrina at Tour Absurd!
I took this photo from atop the Old City walls in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Nicknamed “The Pearl of the Adriatic,” one of the best things to do in this UNESCO World Heritage-recognized city is to walk around the nearly 2 km (1.24 mile) walls that completely encircle the old town. They’re up to six metres thick and are guarded by a system of turrets and towers that were built to protect the vulnerable city. They also make for amazing photo ops!
Katrina is an American expat who lives in Cork, Ireland with her Italian husband. She writes her blog to share her “adventures and observations about the absurdities and delights of life.” Be sure to check out, become a fan of Katrina’s Facebook and Google+ Pages and follow her on Twitter too!
Here’s the photo from the last challenge, correctly identified by Raymond Walsh at Man On The Lam as Sevilla, Spain. I took this photo from the top of the Giralda, the minaret-turned-bell-tower that adjoins the Seville Cathedral, the third largest church in the world. From the top are spectacular views of the Andalusian city, including the famous bullfighting ring, La Plaza de Toros de la Maestranza.
Besides offering sound travel advice and stunning photography, Raymond effortlessly laces humor in just about all of his stories. Be sure to check out his blog at Man On The Lam, become a fan of his Facebook and Google+ Pages and follow him on Twitter too!

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