It’s Wednesday so that means it’s time for another “Where in the world am I?” photo challenge! Like in weeks past, I’ll give no clues up front, but will periodically tweet and post clues on my Facebook and Google+ pages to help you out. So, if you don’t already follow me on Twitter, click HERE.
One winner will be randomly selected from those who answer correctly and will be featured on my Facebook Fan Page, Twitter and Google+ Page with his/her name, blog, twitter, as well as a brief bio.
You’re not done yet! Be sure to check out Budget Travel Adventures where you can play along with more fun photo challenges.
Here are the clues I’ve given so far:
Clue #1: The region was carved by glaciers.Clue #2: It has been occupied since the Roman times.
Clue #3: The bell tower belongs to the St. James Basilica. Clue #4: The town is at a “Y” intersection of a lake. Clue #5: No, there’s not an enormous water fountain out front. |
The answer & winner for this week’s “Where in the world am I?”
After randomly selecting a winner from those who answered correctly, congratulations are due to Jennifer Ulrich from Design By Jen for knowing this photo was taken at the world-famous lakeside resort of Bellagio, Italy! Jen is a graphic designer based in Portland, Oregon. She started her blog as an avenue to connect with others, as well as a space to share things she’s excited about. Her interests include—but are never, ever limited to—art, travel, design (interior, architecture, graphic), food, drinks, photography… you get the idea! Check out her site and join her journey! You can also follow her on Twitter and be a fan of hers on Facebook too!
I’ll give shout-outs to Laura, Jeremy and Charlotte for guessing correctly too. Good job guys!
Here was last week’s photo, correctly identified as Lake Shasta by Amanda Miller of the Amanda Miller Design Company. Lake Shasta is located in Northern California, not too far south of the Oregon border. Lake Shasta (also known as Shasta Lake) is a man-made reservoir, created by the construction of Shasta Dam across the Sacramento River. It is hugely popular for house boating. In fact, that’s just what I was doing with seven of my friends a few years ago. In the background is Mount Shasta, a dormant volcano located at the southern edge of the Cascade mountain range. The last time it erupted was in 1786. It’s the second highest peak in the Cascades and the fifth highest in California.