It’s Wednesday so that means it’s time for “Where in the world am I?” again! Like last week, I’ll give no clues up front, but will periodically tweet and post clues to my Facebook Page help you out. So, if you don’t already follow me on Twitter, click HERE.
One winner will be randomly selected from those who answer correctly and will be featured on next week’s “Where in the world am I?” contest, on my Facebook Fan Page and on Twitter with his/her name, blog, twitter, as well as a brief bio.
You’re not done yet! Be sure to check out Budget Travel Adventures where you can play along with Jeremy and other travel blogs with their own photo challenges!
Here are the clues I’ve given so far:
1) This bridge is near an upscale resort town.
2) U.S. President Lyndon Johnson was here in 1967. 3) Peak season to visit is Jan – Feb, when the weather’s the warmest. 4) This “Oriental” country is nowhere near the Orient. 5) Nearby are 2 beaches whose names translate to “gentle” and “rough.” |
The answer & winner for this week’s “Where in the world am I?”
This must have been a hard one, since I got very few guesses this week. This photo shows the La Barra Bridge which connects Maldonado to La Barra, Uruguay. It’s adjacent to the “St. Tropez of South America,” Punta del Este. Here are the explanations of my clues: Uruguay’s full name is the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and since it’s in South America, their summer occurs when it’s winter in the northern hemisphere. Playa Brava and Playa Mansa are the two beaches that I was referring to. Their names translate as “Gentle Beach” and “Rough Beach” in English.
Once again Annika Hays got the correct answer! Annika lives in Los Angeles with her husband Michael and their adorable son, Jax. She gave up the Hollywood life for a much more rewarding and fulfilling career as a mom. I’ll also give credit to Caanan and Kent of the popular blog, No Vacation Required for knowing the right answer too. They believe that life should be something you look forward to, every day. They strive to live their dream life and, with their blog, hope to inspire others to maximize life as well. Be sure to follow them on Twitter and Facebook too!
* Please note: Moderation is turned on for this contest and all comments will need to be approved before they are posted. No need to resubmit your comment. This way, no one will steal your answer!
Here was last week’s photo, correctly identified as Kotor, Montenegro by Jeremy of Budget Travel Adventures, Annika Hays, Josh Kirwood and Jonny.

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