It’s Wednesday so that means it’s time for “Where in the world am I?” again. Several people got last week’s photo correct, no doubt with a little help from Google Images. So, this time I’m going to make it a little harder: I’m not giving any clues! I’ll let you know if you’re getting “warmer” or “colder” though, and I might dole out some extra information if no one gets it by Friday. Good luck!
One winner will be selected from those who answer correctly and will be featured on next week’s “Where in the world am I?” contest, on my Facebook fan page and on Twitter with his/her name, blog, twitter, as well as a brief bio.
You’re not done yet! Be sure to check out Budget Travel Adventures and guess where in the world Jeremy and other travel bloggers are too. You can even play along every Wednesday by entering your own blog onto Jeremy’s site.
* Please note: Moderation is turned on for this contest and all comments will need to be approved before they are posted. No need to resubmit your comment. This way, no one will steal your answer!
The answer & winner for this week’s “Where in the world am I?”
Giving no clues at the start did seem to make it harder this week, but two people guessed correctly. I tweeted a clue on Thursday—that the tides there change “as swiftly as a galloping horse.” This is a quote from the famous French author, Victor Hugo. John over at TravelCrunch was the first person to get the correct answer of Mont St. Michel, France. On John’s blog, he writes that the way we travel today will affect the travel aspirations of future generations. Treading lightly as we travel this beautiful world will ensure that our successors can enjoy it as much as we do. Congratulations are also due to Ben at Adventures With Ben, as well, for recognizing this spectacular view from Mont St. Michel too.
Be sure to check out John on Facebook and Twitter and Ben on Facebook and Twitter too!
Thanks to everyone for playing! I’m looking forward to doing this again next week!
Here was last week’s photo, correctly identified as the Geisel Library at the University of California, San Diego by Debbie Beardsley. Debbie shares her love of Europe on her blog, European Travelista. Through her writing and photography, you’ll find inspiration for your next adventure, relive a prior trip or just dream about travel. Be sure check out her Facebook page and follow her on Twitter too!

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